Results for 'Lauren A. Cooper'

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  1.  39
    Does Benefit Corporation Status Matter to Investors? An Exploratory Study of Investor Perceptions and Decisions.Jill Weber & Lauren A. Cooper - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (4):979-1008.
    We investigate whether the disclosure of a firm’s decision to organize as a benefit corporation (BC) rather than a traditional C corporation (CC) influences investors. We survey 136 investors and 57 MBA students and find that they expect BCs to attain higher future corporate social responsibility (CSR) than CCs even when both have equal CSR ratings. Approximately one third of our sample prefers to invest in BCs when CCs have greater financial returns, indicating a willingness by some investors to sacrifice (...)
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    Investigating a bias account of emotional false memories using a criterion warning and force choice restrictions at retrieval.Lauren M. Cooper, Datin Shah, Imane Moucharik & Zainab Munshi - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    Here, we add to the debate as to whether false recognition of emotional stimuli is more memory-based or more bias-based. Emotional false memory findings using the DRM paradigm have been marked by higher false alarms to negatively arousing compared to neutral critical lure items. Explanation for these findings has mainly focused on false memory-based accounts. However, here we address the question of whether a response bias for emotional stimuli can, at least in part, explain this phenomenon. In Experiment 1, we (...)
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    Emotional false memories: the impact of response bias under speeded retrieval conditions.Lauren M. Cooper & Datin Shah - 2025 - Cognition and Emotion 39 (2):445-452.
    Emotional false memory findings using the DRM paradigm have been marked by higher false alarms to negatively arousing compared to neutral critical lure items. Explanations for these findings have mainly focused on false memory-based accounts. However, here we address the question of whether a response bias for emotional stimuli can, at least in part, explain this phenomenon. Participants viewed both neutral and negative arousing DRM lists and completed a recognition test in speeded or self-paced conditions. Speeded test reduces the opportunity (...)
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    Dolphin play: Evidence for cooperation and culture?Stan A. Kuczaj & Lauren E. Highfill - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (5):705-706.
    We agree that human culture is unique. However, we also believe that an understanding of the evolution of culture requires a comparative approach. We offer examples of collaborative behaviors from dolphin play, and argue that consideration should be given to whether various forms of culture are best viewed as falling along a continuum or as discrete categories.
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    Effective teaching of legal ethics: use an applied ethicist.Lauren Traczykowski - 2024 - Legal Ethics 27 (1):25-44.
    Legal ethics, particularly at undergraduate level, should incorporate the expertise and teaching of someone outside traditional legal education and professions. Most appropriately, legal ethics education should involve an applied ethicist. Whilst lawyers are very good at identifying critical legal issues, it is the ethical issues that are of concern here. I therefore propose that because laws often have a deep-rooted ethical foundation and students need to appreciate this to truly understand the aim, nature and objective of the relevant law, legal (...)
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    Poor People and the Politics of Capitalism.R. Edward Freeman, Adrian Keevil & Lauren Purnell - 2011 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 30 (3-4):179-194.
    The purpose of this paper is to suggest that the current conversation about the relationship between capitalism and the poor assumes a story about business that is shopworn and outmoded. There are assumptions about business, human behavior, and language that are no longer useful in the twenty first century. Business needs to be understood as how we cooperate together to create value and trade. It is fundamentally about creating value for stakeholders. Human beings are not solely self-interested, but driven by (...)
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    Non-static framework for understanding adaptive designs: an ethical justification in paediatric trials.Michael O. S. Afolabi & Lauren E. Kelly - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (11):825-831.
    Many drugs used in paediatric medicine are off-label. There is a rising call for the use of adaptive clinical trial designs in responding to the need for safe and effective drugs given their potential to offer efficiency and cost-effective benefits compared with traditional clinical trials. ADs have a strong appeal in paediatric clinical trials given the small number of available participants, limited understanding of age-related variability and the desire to limit exposure to futile or unsafe interventions. Although the ethical value (...)
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  8. Prevention in prayer camps? The ethics of government engagement in Ghana's 2012 mental health legislation.Lauren A. Taylor - 2019 - In Kelso Cratsley & Jennifer Radden, Mental Health as Public Health: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Ethics of Prevention. San Diego, CA: Elsevier.
  9.  14
    How Do We Fund Flourishing? Maybe Not through Health Care.Lauren A. Taylor - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (S3):62-66.
    The health policy community has a growing interest in the impact of nonmedical determinants of health, such as housing, nutrition, and social supports, on both health outcomes and costs. This interest has been spurred by the Affordable Care Act’s emphasis on prevention, Robert Wood Johnson’s grant‐making focus on a Culture of Health, and an uptick of research demonstrating the potential returns to health care from investments in social services. Much of this policy‐making, grant making, and research has focused on older (...)
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  10. Are Automatic Conceptual Cores the Gold Standard of Semantic Processing? The Context‐Dependence of Spatial Meaning in Grounded Congruency Effects.Lauren A. M. Lebois, Christine D. Wilson-Mendenhall & Lawrence W. Barsalou - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (8):1764-1801.
    According to grounded cognition, words whose semantics contain sensory-motor features activate sensory-motor simulations, which, in turn, interact with spatial responses to produce grounded congruency effects. Growing evidence shows these congruency effects do not always occur, suggesting instead that the grounded features in a word's meaning do not become active automatically across contexts. Researchers sometimes use this as evidence that concepts are not grounded, further concluding that grounded information is peripheral to the amodal cores of concepts. We first review broad evidence (...)
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  11.  37
    Putting Everything in Context.Lauren A. M. Lebois, Christine D. Wilson-Mendenhall & Lawrence W. Barsalou - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (8):1987-1995.
    In response to Casasanto, Brookshire, and Ivry, we address four points: First, we engaged in conceptual replications of Brookshire, Casasanto, and Ivry, not direct replications. Second, we did not question the validity of Brookshire et al.'s results, nor the similar findings of other researchers, but instead explained divergent findings within an integrated theoretical framework. Third, challenges to the construct of automaticity, including ours, were widespread, long before Brookshire et al.'s article. Fourth, the planned comparisons that we reported tested our theoretical (...)
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  12.  30
    Reconsidering Samuel: A Mental Health Caretaker at a Ghanaian Prayer Camp.Lauren A. Taylor - 2016 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 59 (2):263-275.
    Since early 2014, i have studied what life is like for staff in a mental health sanatorium at a Ghanaian prayer camp. I have traveled to the camp on six occasions to observe its rhythms and routines and interview staff about their work. What follows is an informal reflection on the role of prayer camps as a source of mental health care in Ghana. The text is based on my experience conducting the research at the camp, rather than a formal (...)
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  13. Born to Choose: The Origins and Value of the Need for Control.Kevin N. Ochsner Lauren A. Leotti, Sheena S. Iyengar - 2010 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 14 (10):457.
  14.  23
    Trust in Health Care and Science: Toward Common Ground on Key Concepts.Lauren A. Taylor, Mildred Z. Solomon & Gregory E. Kaebnick - 2023 - Hastings Center Report 53 (S2):2-8.
    This essay summarizes key insights across the essays in the Hastings Center Report's special report “Time to Rebuild: Essays on Trust in Health Care and Science.” These insights concern trust and trustworthiness as distinct concepts, competence as a necessary but not sufficient input to trust, trust as a reciprocal good, trust as an interpersonal as well as structural phenomena, the ethical impermissibility of seeking to win trust without being trustworthy, building and borrowing trust as distinct strategies, and challenges to trustworthiness (...)
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  15.  24
    Coping With Changes to Sex and Intimacy After a Diagnosis of Metastatic Breast Cancer: Results From a Qualitative Investigation With Patients and Partners.Jennifer Barsky Reese, Lauren A. Zimmaro, Sarah McIlhenny, Kristen Sorice, Laura S. Porter, Alexandra K. Zaleta, Mary B. Daly, Beth Cribb & Jessica R. Gorman - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Objective:Prior research examining sexual and intimacy concerns among metastatic breast cancer patients and their intimate partners is limited. In this qualitative study, we explored MBC patients’ and partners’ experiences of sexual and intimacy-related changes and concerns, coping efforts, and information needs and intervention preferences, with a focus on identifying how the context of MBC shapes these experiences.Methods:We conducted 3 focus groups with partnered patients with MBC [N = 12; M age = 50.2; 92% White; 8% Black] and 6 interviews with (...)
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    Mommy, what did you do in the industrial revolution? Meditations on the rising cesarean rate.Lauren A. Plante - 2009 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 2 (1):140-147.
    As the cesarean rate rises in the United States, it is sometimes hailed as a move toward increased safety or increased autonomy. But the industrialization of birth may have consequences which actually decrease women’s autonomy and strip choices away.
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    The Power and Limits of Political Philosophy in Analyzing Healthcare Markets.Lauren A. Taylor - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (4):903-906.
    Bioethics is taking an institutional turn, where organizations are being taken seriously as moral agents. Within US healthcare, this is difficult to do without confronting “the market” as a highly influential context for organizational behavior. In the 1990s, pioneering thinkers such as David Mechanic,1 Brad Gray, and Mark Schlesinger2 undertook a first round of organizational ethics scholarship focused on how market forces influence health insurer behavior — motivated by a particular concern for health maintenance organizations (HMOs).3 And more recently, owing (...)
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  18. How tall is Tall? compositionality, statistics, and gradable adjectives.Lauren A. Schmidt, Noah D. Goodman, David Barner & Joshua B. Tenenbaum - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn, Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
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    Searching High and Low: Prosodic Breaks Disambiguate Relative Clauses.Lauren A. Fromont, Salvador Soto-Faraco & Emmanuel Biau - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:224502.
    During natural speech perception, listeners rely on a wide range of cues to support comprehension, from semantic context to prosodic information. There is a general consensus that prosody plays a role in syntactic parsing, but most studies focusing on ambiguous relative clauses (RC) show that prosodic cues, alone, are insufficient to reverse the preferred interpretation of sentence. These findings suggest that universally preferred structures (e.g., Late Closure principle) matter far more than prosodic cues in such cases. This study explores an (...)
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  20.  29
    Metacognitive judgment formation during map learning: Evidence for global monitoring.Lauren A. Mason, Ayanna K. Thomas & Holly A. Taylor - 2024 - Cognition 246 (C):105743.
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    Do Health Care Organizations Have Legitimate Responsibilities beyond the Delivery of Health Care? Insights from Citizenship Theory.Lauren A. Taylor, Folasade C. Lapite & Kelsey N. Berry - 2022 - Hastings Center Report 52 (4):6-9.
    Many health care organizations made public commitments to become antiracist in the wake of George Floyd's murder. These actions raise questions about the appropriateness of health care's engagement in racial justice and social justice movements generally. We argue that health care organizations can be usefully thought of as having two roles: a functional role to care for the sick and a meta‐role as an organizational citizen. Fulfilling the role of citizen may require participating in the pursuit of social justice, including (...)
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  22.  17
    The Challenge of Mutual Disclosure in Global Health Partnerships.Lauren A. Taylor & David N. Berg - 2019 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 62 (4):657-674.
    For global health academics and practitioners, it can feel as though we are living in a tyranny of partnerships. The primary trappings of professional success in global health—funding and publications—increasingly rely on the presence or absence of institutional partnerships. Funders often require letters of support from collaborators, and the literature routinely lauds partnerships as the "secret sauce" necessary to solve intractable problems. Commonly, the term describes relationships between entities in the Global North and the Global South, serving as a euphemism (...)
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  23. (1 other version)The Bodily Incorporation of Mechanical Devices: Ethical and Religious Issues.Courtney S. Campbell, Lauren A. Clark, David Loy, James F. Keenan, Kathleen Matthews, Terry Winograd & Laurie Zoloth - 2007 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 16 (2):229-239.
    A substantial portion of the developed world's population is increasingly dependent on machines to make their way in the everyday world. For certain privileged groups, computers, cell phones, PDAs, Blackberries, and IPODs, all permitting the faster processing of information, are commonplace. In these populations, even exercise can be automated as persons try to achieve good physical fitness by riding stationary bikes, running on treadmills, and working out on cross-trainers that send information about performance and heart rate.
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  24. Sex, syntax, and semantics.Lera Boroditsky, Lauren A. Schmidt & Webb Phillips - 2003 - In Dedre Gentner & Susan Goldin-Meadow, Language in Mind: Advances in the Study of Language and Thought. MIT Press. pp. 61--79.
  25.  60
    Pragmatic Abilities of Children with Williams Syndrome: A Longitudinal Examination.Angela E. John, Lauren A. Dobson, Lauren E. Thomas & Carolyn B. Mervis - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Why Does Therapy Work? An Idiographic Approach to Explore Mechanisms of Change Over the Course of Psychotherapy Using Digital Assessments.Allison Diamond Altman, Lauren A. Shapiro & Aaron J. Fisher - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Does Neutral Affect Exist? How Challenging Three Beliefs About Neutral Affect Can Advance Affective Research.Karen Gasper, Lauren A. Spencer & Danfei Hu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Integration by Parts: Collaboration and Topic Structure in the CogSci Community.Isabella DeStefano, Lauren A. Oey, Erik Brockbank & Edward Vul - 2021 - Topics in Cognitive Science 13 (2):399-413.
    DeStefano, Oey, Brockbank, and Vul explore interdisciplinary collaboration using data‐driven measures of research topics and co‐authorship, constructed from a rich dataset of over 11,000 Cogsci conference papers. Findings suggest the cognitive science research community has become increasingly integrated in the last 19 years.
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  29. The Cambridge Handbook of the Changing Nature of Work.Brian J. Hoffman, Mindy K. Shoss & Lauren A. Wegman (eds.) - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    This handbook provides an overview of the research on the changing nature of work and workers by marshalling interdisciplinary research to summarize the empirical evidence and provide documentation of what has actually changed. Connections are explored between the changing nature of work and macro-level trends in technological change, income inequality, global labor markets, labor unions, organizational forms, and skill polarization, among others. This edited volume also reviews evidence for changes in workers, including generational change, that has accumulated across domains. Based (...)
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    Review of Dranove and Burns, 2021. Big Med: Megaproviders and the High Cost of Health Care in America[REVIEW]Lauren A. Taylor - 2023 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 32 (2):300-304.
    David Dranove and Lawton Burn’s new collaboration Big Med: Megaproviders and the High Cost of Health Care in America provides readers with a comprehensive tutorial on consolidation in United States healthcare markets over the past 40 years. Although the book is most explicitly aimed at those who look around and wonder how we arrived at a healthcare landscape dominated by giants, anyone with a serious interest in the prices of U.S. healthcare will want to have this rigorous and timely treatment (...)
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    The ins and outs of lysophosphatidic acid signaling.Wouter H. Moolenaar, Laurens A. van Meeteren & Ben N. G. Giepmans - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (8):870-881.
    Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a lipid mediator with a wide variety of biological actions, particularly as an inducer of cell proliferation, migration and survival. LPA binds to specific G‐protein‐coupled receptors and thereby activates multiple signal transduction pathways, including those initiated by the small GTPases Ras, Rho, and Rac. LPA signaling has been implicated in such diverse processes as wound healing, brain development, vascular remodeling and tumor progression. Knowledge of precisely how and where LPA is produced has long proved elusive. Excitingly, (...)
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  32. The Concept of Disorder Revisited: Robustly Value-Laden Despite Change.I.—Rachel Cooper - 2020 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 94 (1):141-161.
    Our concept of disorder is changing. This causes problems for projects of descriptive conceptual analysis. Conceptual change means that a criterion that was necessary for a condition to be a disorder at one time may cease to be necessary a relatively short time later. Nevertheless, some conceptually based claims will be fairly robust. In particular, the claim that no adequate account of disorder can appeal only to biological facts can be maintained for the foreseeable future. This is because our current (...)
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  33. Heterophonic entries in the lexicon.Ds Gorfein, A. Bubka & Ea Cooper - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):337-337.
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    (1 other version)Hypotheses in Kant's philosophy of science.Andrew Cooper - 2023 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 99 (C):97-105.
    In this paper I extend the case for a necessitation account of particular laws in Kant's philosophy of science by examining the relation between reason's hypothetical use in the Appendix to the Transcendental Dialectic and the legitimate hypotheses identified in the Doctrine of Method. Building on normative accounts of reason's ideas, I argue that reason's hypothetical use does not describe the connections between objects and their grounds, which lie beyond the reach of the understanding, but merely prescribes the relations between (...)
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  35. Mental Images and Their Transformations.Roger N. Shepard & Lynn N. Cooper - 1982 - MIT Press.
    This book collects some of the most exciting pioneering work in perceptual and cognitive psychology. The authors' quantitative approach to the study of mental images and their representation is clearly depicted in this invaluable volume of research which presents, interprets, evaluates, and extends their work. The selections are preceded by a thorough review of the history of their experiments, and all of the articles have been updated with reviews of the current literature. The book's first part focuses on mental rotation; (...)
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  36.  26
    The Argument from Evolution.H. A. Lewis & David Cooper - 1979 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 53 (1):207 - 237.
  37.  49
    Certificates of Confidentiality: Protecting Human Subject Research Data in Law and Practice.Leslie E. Wolf, Mayank J. Patel, Brett A. Williams Tarver, Jeffrey L. Austin, Lauren A. Dame & Laura M. Beskow - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (3):594-609.
    Answering important public health questions often requires collection of sensitive information about individuals. For example, our understanding of how HIV is transmitted and how to prevent it only came about with people's willingness to share information about their sexual and drug-using behaviors. Given the scientific need for sensitive, personal information, researchers have a corresponding ethical and legal obligation to maintain the confidentiality of data they collect and typically promise in consent forms to restrict access to it and not to publish (...)
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    What Does the Duty to Warn Require?Seema K. Shah, Sara Chandros Hull, Michael A. Spinner, Benjamin E. Berkman, Lauren A. Sanchez, Ruquyyah Abdul-Karim, Amy P. Hsu, Reginald Claypool & Steven M. Holland - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (10):62 - 63.
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    Multidisciplinary Flux and Multiple Research Traditions Within Cognitive Science.Richard P. Cooper - 2019 - Topics in Cognitive Science 11 (4):869-879.
    Núñez et al. (2019) argue that cognitive science has failed either “to transition to a mature inter‐disciplinary coherent field” (p. 782) or “to generate a successful [Lakatosian] research program” (p. 789). We argue that the former was never the intention of many early researchers within the field, while the latter is an inappropriate criterion by which to judge an entire discipline. However, we concur with Núñez et al. (2019) that the individual disciplinary balance within cognitive science has changed over time. (...)
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  40.  42
    From reproductive work to regenerative labour: The female body and the stem cell industries.Melinda Cooper & Catherine Waldby - 2010 - Feminist Theory 11 (1):3-22.
    The identification and valorization of unacknowledged, feminized forms of economic productivity has been an important task for feminist theory. In this article, we expand and rethink existing definitions of labour, in order to recognize the essential economic role women play in the stem cell and regenerative medicine industries, new fields of biomedical research that are rapidly expanding throughout the world. Women constitute the primary tissue donors in the new stem cell industries, which require high volumes of human embryos, oöcytes, foetal (...)
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  41.  33
    Pastoral Power and Algorithmic Governmentality.Rosalind Cooper - 2020 - Theory, Culture and Society 37 (1):29-52.
    This paper contributes to inquiries into the genealogy of governmentality and the nature of secularization by arguing that pastoralism continues to operate in the algorithmic register. Drawing on Agamben’s notion of signature, I elucidate a pair of historically distant yet archaeologically proximate affinities: the first between the pastorate and algorithmic control, and the second between the absconded God of late medieval nominalism and the authority of algorithms in the cybernetic age. I support my hypothesis by attending to the signaturial kinships (...)
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  42.  48
    A recurrent 16p12.1 microdeletion supports a two-hit model for severe developmental delay.Santhosh Girirajan, Jill A. Rosenfeld, Gregory M. Cooper, Francesca Antonacci, Priscillia Siswara, Andy Itsara, Laura Vives, Tom Walsh, Shane E. McCarthy, Carl Baker, Heather C. Mefford, Jeffrey M. Kidd, Sharon R. Browning, Brian L. Browning, Diane E. Dickel, Deborah L. Levy, Blake C. Ballif, Kathryn Platky, Darren M. Farber, Gordon C. Gowans, Jessica J. Wetherbee, Alexander Asamoah, David D. Weaver, Paul R. Mark, Jennifer Dickerson, Bhuwan P. Garg, Sara A. Ellingwood, Rosemarie Smith, Valerie C. Banks, Wendy Smith, Marie T. McDonald, Joe J. Hoo, Beatrice N. French, Cindy Hudson, John P. Johnson, Jillian R. Ozmore, John B. Moeschler, Urvashi Surti, Luis F. Escobar, Dima El-Khechen, Jerome L. Gorski, Jennifer Kussmann, Bonnie Salbert, Yves Lacassie, Alisha Biser, Donna M. McDonald-McGinn, Elaine H. Zackai, Matthew A. Deardorff, Tamim H. Shaikh, Eric Haan, Kathryn L. Friend, Marco Fichera, Corrado Romano, Jozef Gécz, Lynn E. DeLisi, Jonathan Sebat, Mary-Claire King, Lisa G. Shaffer & Eic - unknown
    We report the identification of a recurrent, 520-kb 16p12.1 microdeletion associated with childhood developmental delay. The microdeletion was detected in 20 of 11,873 cases compared with 2 of 8,540 controls and replicated in a second series of 22 of 9,254 cases compared with 6 of 6,299 controls. Most deletions were inherited, with carrier parents likely to manifest neuropsychiatric phenotypes compared to non-carrier parents. Probands were more likely to carry an additional large copy-number variant when compared to matched controls. The clinical (...)
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    Pragmatic Clinical Trial-Collateral Findings: Recognizing the Needs of Low-Resource Research Participants.Courtney A. Stewart, Kayla E. Cooper, Megan B. Raymond, Faith E. Fletcher & Vence L. Bonham - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (1):19-21.
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  44. Reason and human good in Aristotle.John Cooper - 1975 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    I Deliberation, Practical Syllogisms , and Intuition. Introduction Aristotle's views on moral reasoning are a difficult and much disputed subject. ...
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    Commercialization of the University and Problem Choice by Academic Biological Scientists.Mark H. Cooper - 2009 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 34 (5):629-653.
    Based on data from a survey of biological scientists at 125 American universities, this article explores how the commercialization of the university affects the problems academic scientists pursue and argues that this reorientation of scientific agendas results in a shift from science in the public interest to science for private goods. Drawing on perspectives from Bourdieu on how actors employ strategic practices toward the accumulation of social capital and acquire dispositional and perceptional tendencies that in turn recondition social structures, the (...)
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    (1 other version)Moving the womb.Arthur L. Caplan, Constance Marie Perry, Lauren A. Plante, Joseph Saloma & Frances R. Batzer - 2007 - Hastings Center Report 37 (3):18-20.
  47. Buddhism, Beauty, and Virtue.David Cooper - 2017 - In Kathleen J. Higgins, Shakti Maira & Sonia Sikka, Artistic Visions and the Promise of Beauty: Cross-Cultural Perspectives. Springer. pp. 123-138.
    The chapter challenges hyperbolic claims about the centrality of appreciation of beauty to Buddhism. Within the texts, attitudes are more mixed, except for a form of 'inner beauty' - the beauty found in the expression of virtues or wisdom in forms of bodily comportment. Inner beauty is a stable presence throughout Buddhist history, practices, and art.
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  48. The propositional logic of ordinary discourse.William S. Cooper - 1968 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 11 (1-4):295 – 320.
    The logical properties of the 'if-then' connective of ordinary English differ markedly from the logical properties of the material conditional of classical, two-valued logic. This becomes apparent upon examination of arguments in conversational English which involve (noncounterfactual) usages of if-then'. A nonclassical system of propositional logic is presented, whose conditional connective has logical properties approximating those of 'if-then'. This proposed system reduces, in a sense, to the classical logic. Moreover, because it is equivalent to a certain nonstandard three-valued logic, its (...)
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    Tackling discrimination and systemic racism in academic and workplace settings.Angela Cooper Brathwaite, Dania Versailles, Daria Juüdi-Hope, Maurice Coppin, Keisha Jefferies, Renee Bradley, Racquel Campbell, Corsita Garraway, Ola Obewu, Cheryl LaRonde-Ogilvie, Dionne Sinclair, Brittany Groom & Doris Grinspun - 2022 - Nursing Inquiry 29 (4):e12485.
    Racism against Black people, Indigenous and other racialized people continues to exist in healthcare and academic settings. Racism produces profound harm to racialized people. Strategies to address systemic racism must be implemented to bring about sustainable changes in healthcare and academic settings. This quality improvement initiative provides strategies to address systemic racism and discrimination against Black nurses and nursing students in Ontario, Canada. It is part of a broader initiative showcasing Black nurses in action to end racism and discrimination. We (...)
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    Thought Experiments.Rachel Cooper - 2005 - Metaphilosophy 36 (3):328-347.
    : This article seeks to explain how thought experiments work, and also the reasons why they can fail. It is divided into four sections. The first argues that thought experiments in philosophy and science should be treated together. The second examines existing accounts of thought experiments and shows why they are inadequate. The third proposes a better account of thought experiments. According to this account, a thought experimenter manipulates her worldview in accord with the “what if” questions posed by a (...)
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